A graduate of the Academy of Music. Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdańsk kierunku Artistic Education in the field of Music Art, specialty - choral conducting in the class of prof. related dr hab. Marek Rocławski, at the Faculty of Choral Conducting, Church Music, Artistic Education, Rhythmics and Jazz. Currently, a second-cycle student of the above-mentioned field of study. From November 2020, he is the assistant conductor of the Music Everywhere Choir.
From 2013, a member of the Music Everywhere Choir under the direction of dr. Beata Śnieg (formerly Choir of the Music Stage in Gdańsk), with whom she won numerous awards and performed at many competitions and music festivals. showing exceptional commitment to the choir's musical and organizational life, which resulted in assuming the position of vice-president of the Music Everywhere Association in September 2016, under which the choir operates. From 2017, she became the recruitment coordinator for the Music Everywhere Choir.
Since 2014, a member of the organizing team of the Festival of Contemporary Choral Music "Music Everywhere" as a promotion coordinator and an accompanying event: Extra Choir Games.
Active and willing to gain new musical experiences. Participant of many nationwide conferences and workshops, including: during the Grand Prix of Polish Choir Music Stefan Stuligrosz, Scientific and Artistic Conference – Conductor's personality in the light of contemporary musical life challenges at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw; Of the Scientific Conference - "Konteksty sztuki dyrygenckiej" at the Academy of Music in Łódź or the Scientific and Artistic Conference "Chór wczoraj, dziś i jutro" organized by the Academy of Music. Karol Lipiński in Wrocław.
In 2017-2018, she participated in the project of the Polish National Youth Choir, organized by the Choral Academy in Wrocław.